Jubilee Meeting

Announcement – Second meeting of the Organizing committee


Second meeting of the Organizing committee
on marking the jubilee:
One hundred years of Milankovic’s theory of climate change
held on 14 August 2020 at Association Milutin Milankovic, Belgrade

President of the Organizing committee informed present members about realized activities regarding goals set at the previous meeting.

It was pointed out that a number of domestic media, foremost thanks to the engagement of the Center for the Promotion of Science from Belgrade, conveyed the news about marking of the jubilee and making the decision about forming the Museum of Milutin Milankovic in Belgrade.

With the Rectorate of the University of Belgrade there are still details to be agreed regarding the placing of the memorial plaque about pronuouncing the university a historical place of great importance for development of physical sciences based on Milankovic’s works on the theory of climate change.

Participation in the Scientific-professional meeting up until now 17 experts have confirmed among which 13 are from Serbia, 3 from Canada and 1 from Austria. This is not a final number, as several more participants from Serbia, France, Hungary and Austria are expected.

Regarding the publications, a reprint of the book Théorie mathématique des phénomènes thermiques produits par la radiation solaire (The Mathematical Theory of Thermal Phenomena Caused by Solar Radiation) in which Milankovic’s theory of climate change was published and which was originally printed in Paris in 1920, as well as a bilingual (Serbian-English) work of Dr. Stela Filipi-Matutinovic, Milutin Milankovic and His Scientific Opus from Scientometrics Perspective, it was pointed out that all of the necessary preparations were successfully done. And what remains to be done next is to have them printed.

As for realization of planned activities it was decided that due to the current pandemic of covid-19, the Scientific-professional meeting will be held in the online format, while remaining planned activities shall be held according to the prescribed health security measures.

In order that the planned activities be realized, the Organizing committee decided to do the following:

• Make and distribute Second information about precise guidelines on conditions concerning writing and submission of scientific-professional papers
• Prepare publication of the Proceedings (paper and electronic forms) of the upcoming Scientific-professional meeting
• Provide necessary technical conditions and adjust the conference premises for online holding of the Scientific-professional meeting
• Follow, gather and via the Association’s website inform the public about papers and works published in international and national science and professional journals
• Continue with preparations of thematic exhibitions (and possible lectures) in cooperation with partner organizations: Center for the Promotion of Science, the French Institute in Serbia, Austrian and Hungarian cultural centres in Serbia
• Finish the process of realization of documentaries about Milutin Milankovic’s life in Vienna and Budapest
• Design, make and distribute promotional materials regarding marking of the jubilee
• Follow the presence of announcements regarding the organization and marking of the jubilee in domestic media.